Nubile Photography

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Easy Photo Sharing Helps With Fundraising

The Internet has really made a huge difference in how fast you can get Ace Photography Liverpool word out about anything and everything. That's a wonderful thing, and one area where easy photo sharing really comes in handy is with fundraising.

As long as you Ace Photography an email list that people have opted in to (given you their permission to mail), there are so many different, creative ways you can tell folks about an event. If you've never considered easy photo sharing as a way to spread the word, here are a few tips on how you can.

Slide shows. If you're having a silent auction, easy photo sharing is a great way to spread the word about the items you are auctioning off. First, take photos of the items you are auctioning off, especially the ones that photograph well.

Then, go to one of the easy photo sharing websites on the Internet and upload your photos. It's simple and the best easy photo sharing sites have tutorials. Once you have your photos uploaded, use their tools to create a slide show of the items you have for auction.

Once you have your slideshow prepared, simply use your email list to invite people to review the items for sale at your silent auction. You can ask that people on your list forward the email to their friends and relatives. This will generate some talk about your event, and get people excited about the items you have for sale.

Photo albums. If your child is active in sports, be sure to take a season's worth of digital images of all the games, some of the practices, and social events the team holds. Then, upload your photos to an easy photo sharing site.

You can also have the kids on the team take their own digital photos, and have them sent to you. This will help make the album more personal. Once you're photos are uploaded, use the site to create an online photo album. Creating an online album at an easy photo sharing site won't take more than a couple of hours of your time. It can include all the fun times from the past season. Be sure to feature all the team members in the album with their own special photo.

Once you have the album created, you can send an announcement to the team telling them the album is for sale. Encourage the people on the list to let grandparents, aunts and uncles and other relatives know that the album is for sale. This will help spread the word and bring sales in from non-team members.

Have orders placed through you, and charge slightly more than what the album costs through the easy photo sharing site - Academy Photography will be the profit for the team. Be sure to include shipping charges in your price, and be sure to ask for and receive prepayment. Place the orders and have the items shipped directly to the person who ordered the album. That way, you're involvement and work is simplified.

A little imagination, combined with an easy photo sharing site, can go a long way to generating income for your fundraiser!

Matt Smolsky develops marketing programs and has written articles for a variety of clients, including Hoorray, a new website for hoorrayeasy photo sharing and hoorrayeasy photo printing.

Cell Phones - Tips for Choosing and Using Them for Better Pictures

Camera capabilities have become common on cell phones and, for some users, these camera phones are their only means of capturing and sharing images. Certainly, Ace Photography Liverpool camera within a cell phone is readily available and portable, making them a good option for more spontaneous photography. In addition, they are less conspicuous than all but the more compact stand alone digital cameras, allowing users to take more candid shots easily.

Cell phone cameras also have a reputation for their limitations however. From slower shutter speeds that make blurry pictures likely, lack of manual control to adjust exposure, white balance, focus, and so forth, to the common lack of high quality lenses, CMOS sensors, and the megapixels necessary for sharp images, the average camera phone often doesn't compete well with stand alone digital cameras for producing high quality images for print.

With recent advancements in the design of cell phone cameras however, consumers can now find devices that are capable of creating far better images, even in the printed form. By choosing the right camera phone and employing a few basic photographic techniques, the images users create are usually quite acceptable.

For users who want to be able to print sharp, detailed 5x7 images, there are a few things to consider when making a camera phone purchase:

Get better resolution. Until recently a 1.3 megapixel camera was the best available. Now cell phones that offer a camera with a CMOS sensor and 3 megapixels, or more, are available.

Get a higher quality lens, and protect it. Some cell phone cameras offer better lenses; a Carl Zeiss lens for instance is highly regarded. Getting a lens cover to protect the lens from scratches, dirt, and dust can be important too; cell phones are often thrown into situations and locations that put them at risk for damage.

Get features to reduce camera shake. Cell phones are small, thus more difficult to hold steady. Slower shutter speeds further exacerbate the need for a very steady hand. A camera with optical image stabilization can help to reduce blurriness and one that the user can securely grip is a bonus as well.

Get optical zoom. Many cell phone cameras offer digital zoom. Better cameras offer optical zoom. When photographers can't step close to a subject, optical zoom is the answer without reducing image quality.

Get features that allow some manual control. Great photographs often require photographers to adjust exposure, white balance, and focus. At a minimum, a user should have the option of turning off the flash.

Get an LCD that helps in framing the scene that is to be photographed. A screen with a large viewing area is important in setting up shots. Good viewability should be checked, especially in sunlight. Potential buyers should pick the cell phone up and try framing a few shots indoors, and outdoors if possible.

Once a good camera phone is in hand, users then need to heed a few critical photographic rules that are particularly pertinent when shooting with small cell phone devices:

Use high resolution settings on the camera phone in case prints are desired later; prints require higher resolution than sharing images on a screen.

Keep the camera steady. Try holding the cell phone with both hands, bracing arms/elbows against the body. Try bracing against a doorway, a tree, a table, and so forth for added stability. It can also be useful to remain stationary for a few seconds after pressing the button to assure that the camera Ace Photography completed the process of capturing the image.

Get close to the subject. Camera phones are better at capturing nearby subjects rather than landscapes and such. Avoid using digital zoom.

Keep the lens clean. Cell phones, as noted before, tend to be tossed around and accumulate a lot of fingerprints, dirt, and scratches without extra care.

Lighting is critical as in all photography. Camera phones are better adapted for outdoor use in general. Avoid backlighting subjects; side lighting is generally best.

Cell phone cameras are improving and, although not yet competitive with most stand alone digital cameras, are capable of producing very Academy Photography images for the average user. For those who value the photographic ability of their cell phone, good options are available if they know how to make the right choice and are able to compensate for their limitations with good photographic techniques.

The author, Christine Peppler, encourages readers to visit her website for more information about using and purchasing a">camera or other">home electronics device.